Warmth of Home - Gift for Women

  • Gift for a daughter, sister, friend, colleague or girlfriend
  • Gift suitable for birthday, name day or Christmas
Availability In stock (3 pcs)
27,98 € 23,12 € excl. VAT
Warmth of Home - Gift for Women
Teplo domova

A universal gift with cheerful socks will delight any woman. The centerpiece of the package is a pair of colorful socks with bee motifs in a universal size. Original mead from Elisa is the flagship of the brand. Its unique sweet-bitter taste is the result of the honey, herbs, and spices used. Forest honey is known for its delicate taste, reminiscent of the delicious, sweet nectar of nature. Its aroma is full and rich. Vanilla-flavored lip balm cares for the lips, keeping them perfect and soft in every season and weather condition. Honey soap helps keep the skin properly hydrated, softens, smooths, and has a magical scent.

Everything is packed in an elegant box with honeycomb motifs and a ribbon.

Gift contents:

  • Box "Bee" with ribbon, size 20 x 20 cm
  • Mead Elisa original 0,5 l
  • Elisa forest honey 250 g
  • Pleva honey lip balm 250 g
  • Honey soap
  • Socks with bee motif in UNI size


  • Birthday gift, name day gift, Christmas gift
  • Gift for wife
  • Gift for daughter
  • Gift for sister
  • Gift for a colleague
  • Gift for a friend
Category: Gift boxes with mead
Weight: 1.6 kg
Opportunity: Christmas
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Avatar of author | 18.12.2024
Krásne balenie a rýchla donáška 👍🍯🐝

Great mead from the Czech Republic

Mead Elisa is a brand originating from a small village in the eastern part of the Czech Republic, which is known to customers as "Mead Elisa" or formerly as "Hromčíkova medovina" or "Hromčíkova Elisa". The mead is still produced according to the original recipe created by Mr Václav Hromčík in 1973.

Mead Elisa is a drink of exceptional quality, which is created by combining the original recipe and water processed using Bio Control System technology. The water used in the production of mead has similar properties to unencumbered virgin water from the interior of the earth. This pure form positively influences the fermentation and maturation process, which contributes to the specific quality of this delicious drink.

The mead is produced exclusively by the cold process from a combination of high-quality honey of Czech production. After complete fermentation, it is aged in deep, air-conditioned cellars. Its final filtration is carried out with the help of modern filtration equipment, which ensures the drink's clear appearance and distinctive sparkle.

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Store rating

5,0 57 ratings

Verified customer - Heureka | 13.05.2024
S obchodem a nakupem jsem spokojena, vzdy je všechno dobre zabaleno a v poradku docestuje.
Petra | 04.11.2024
Prostě úplně nejvíc nejlepší,lepší medovinu a med jsme snad nikdy neměla. Opravdu můžu jen doporučit 🥰
Verified customer - Heureka | 08.08.2024
+ Kvalita zboží a rychlé dodání

Verified customer - Heureka | 23.07.2024
Zatim jsme neochutnali, poridili jsme jako darek. Vzhledove moc pekne, snad bude chutnat.
Verified customer - Heureka | 05.08.2024
+ Rychlost, bezproblémovost

Jiří Skřička | 07.01.2025
Výrobky skvělé,rychlost doručení,vstřícnost a určitě za mě jedinečný produkt na trhu.
Verified customer - Heureka | 06.08.2024
Velký výběr
Verified customer - Heureka | 18.06.2024
+ dárek k narozeninám dorazil včas
+ flašky zabalené vskutku dobře

Verified customer - Heureka | 01.07.2024
+ Samá pozitiva

Spolehliví, rychlí, komunikují. V dnešní době vzácnost. A všechny druhy medoviny velmi dobré.
Verified customer - Heureka | 20.08.2024
+ příjemná komunikace
+ krásné produkty
+ vstřícnost
+ cena

Verified customer - Heureka | 13.08.2024
+ Kvalita a rychlé dodání zboží

Verified customer - Heureka | 07.06.2024
+ Rychlé doručení

Verified customer - Heureka | 14.06.2024
+ Rychlé vyřízení objednávky
+ Pečlivě zabalene zboží

Rozhodně doporučuji
Verified customer - Heureka | 29.07.2024
+ Moc chutné

Verified customer - Heureka | 20.07.2024
Vše super
Verified customer - Heureka | 29.05.2024
rychlé dodaní
Verified customer - Heureka | 08.07.2024
+ nakupuji pravidelne, ZATIM VZDY NAPROSTO SPOKOJENY!!

Verified customer - Heureka | 03.06.2024
+ Z široké nabídky si určitě vyberete
+ Rychlé dodání zboží

Verified customer - Heureka | 12.08.2024
+ Rychlé reakce, dobrá komunikace
- Nic


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