Honey ointment with propolis Pleva 20 g

  • contains substances with healing properties
  • suitable for dry and cracked skin
  • useful also for fungal infections and eczema, after radiation treatment or for haemorrhoids
Availability In stock (9 pcs)
4,52 € 3,74 € excl. VAT
Honey ointment with propolis Pleva 20 g
Medová mast s propolisem

An important part of the medicine chest

Our honey salve with propolis provides tender care for dry or cracked skin. It also helps with fungal infections, eczema and haemorrhoids. The salve contains a large percentage of different healing substances. Therefore, it should be a part of every well-equipped medicine chest.

Directions for use

Gently massage the honey salve with propolis into the affected area and let it dry. Repeat the treatment several times a day to prevent the skin from drying out. After the problems have subsided, use the salve as a preventative measure for a few more days. Propolis can leave dark spots, so wear dark clothes or let the salve absorb really well before getting dressed.

Helps dry and cracked skin

When frosty winter comes, many people have to deal with problems caused by a dry and cracked skin on their hands. The small cracks itch and burn and it is usually not enough to protect them with gloves. These skin problems can unfortunately get even bigger after using an unsuitable cream.

There are many reasons why skin becomes dry

Many people suffer from dry skin on their hands because there is only a small number of sebaceous glands in this area. At the same time, these limbs are also very stressed – hands are being used all day long, although not always for a hard manual activity. It is enough if you have to deal with strenuous office work. The hands also have to withstand the influence of bad weather, they often come into contact with chemicals and compared to other body parts, they are usually being washed several times a day. All this puts a strain on the skin.

The solution is simple –cream the hands frequently, especially after a shower, bath, or handwash. The dead cells can be removed with peeling – your hands deserve it! When choosing a cosmetic product, it is recommended to avoid those containing alcohol – it pulls moisture out of the skin. Creams containing collagen, on the other hand, are just right for dry skin on the hands. For very dry skin, use our effective Honey salve with propolis – it heals the small cracks that could otherwise become the entrance for germs.

Propolis is the basis

Propolis is an important component of our honey salve. It has a healing and soothing effect and reduces problems with uncomfortable eczemas and fungal infections. Propolis is also valued by people who have long-term difficulties with haemorrhoids. It soothes and regenerates skin treated with radiation and can be used for many other problems as well.

Prevent the problems

It is very uncomfortable to touch hands with a really dry skin. They don’t look so good, too. Apart from the aesthetic effect it could present an uncomfortable, painful problem that should be treated before it emerges. Otherwise small infections penetrate the body easily through small cracks in the skin.

Use our Honey salve with propolis on a regular basis – don’t let the problems surprise you and apply cream to your hands regularly.


Olea europaea Fruit Oil, Mel, Cera alba, Propolis extract, Propylene glycol

Category: Cosmetics promoting healing
Weight: 0.2 kg

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Quality bee cosmetics

The family-owned company Pleva produces quality bee cosmetics and helps people to health, beauty and pleasure. They started right after the revolution by producing propolis tincture and ointment with propolis. Since then, they have expanded their range of cosmetics to include product lines with bee products and launch new products every year.

Today they have a range of hundreds of products. They can therefore boast the widest range of cosmetics with bee products in the Czech Republic. At the same time, they have obtained a unique license for the preparation of various products, for example, they are the only ones in the Czech Republic who process bee venom.

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Spolehliví, rychlí, komunikují. V dnešní době vzácnost. A všechny druhy medoviny velmi dobré.
Verified customer - Heureka | 07.06.2024
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+ Rychlé dodání zboží

Verified customer - Heureka | 05.08.2024
+ Rychlost, bezproblémovost

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+ Kvalita zboží a rychlé dodání

Jiří Skřička | 07.01.2025
Výrobky skvělé,rychlost doručení,vstřícnost a určitě za mě jedinečný produkt na trhu.
Verified customer - Heureka | 23.07.2024
Zatim jsme neochutnali, poridili jsme jako darek. Vzhledove moc pekne, snad bude chutnat.
Petra | 04.11.2024
Prostě úplně nejvíc nejlepší,lepší medovinu a med jsme snad nikdy neměla. Opravdu můžu jen doporučit 🥰
Verified customer - Heureka | 08.07.2024
+ nakupuji pravidelne, ZATIM VZDY NAPROSTO SPOKOJENY!!

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rychlé dodaní
Verified customer - Heureka | 13.08.2024
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S obchodem a nakupem jsem spokojena, vzdy je všechno dobre zabaleno a v poradku docestuje.
Verified customer - Heureka | 14.06.2024
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